Working with restaurants in Stockholm City and County

Working with restaurants in Stockholm City and County

Responsible Beverage Service (AAS) is a proven working method, developed in Stockholm between 1995 and 2001 within the framework of the STAD project. It aims to create a better and safer pub and restaurant environment by reducing violence and injuries related to alcohol and drugs. The operation was made permanent in Stockholm under the name the "STAD cooperation" and began to spread in 2002 to Sweden's municipalities and county administrative boards by the Institute of Public Health.

The method, which is based on a structured and long-term effort, consists of three parts:

• Collaboration between the industry and government agencies

• A two-day training RBS

• Improved supervision and policy work


The goal is to reduce the pleasure and entertainment-related violence, mainly by:

• Not serving alcohol to minors

• Not serving alcohol to noticeably intoxicated guests

The work is based on a well-developed cooperation between several government agencies and service industry associations. With the combined expertise and commitment we offer bars, nightclubs and restaurants an interesting and well-evaluated training package.

The following agencies and organizations are included in the STAD cooperation:

• Stockholm County Council (STAD)

• City of Stockholm – Licensing department

• Police Authority in Stockholm

• Institute of Public Health (NIPH)

• Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Association (SHR)

• The County Administrative Board of Stockholm

• Hotel and Restaurant Workers' Union (HRF)

Along with several restaurateurs in Stockholm, we have created a brand that stands for quality and knowledge

Corresponding cooperation and AAS training is available in most municipalities in Stockholm County. For information on training opportunities please contact the alcohol officer in each municipality.